We’re back with another list of updates to the Kooomo platform! Our team of developers have been busy implementing new payment methods such as ViaCash, creating “Products per Clusters” functions and launching Bootstrap 4…
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by Lauren Cassidy
September 04, 2020
We’re back with another list of updates to the Kooomo platform! Our team of developers have been busy implementing new payment methods such as ViaCash, creating “Products per Clusters” functions and launching Bootstrap 4… So let’s take a look at this month’s updates in a little more detail…
Via Cash
Via Cash is the latest alternative payment method that we have added to the platform. Channelling our passion for omnichannel solutions, Via Cash offers customers the option to pay for their item in person at a select retail outlet. The order is completed with a barcode being sent to the customer, with the order confirmation via PDF, SMS or Apple Wallet.
The customer then simply scans the barcode at the checkout of one of our retail partners and pays for their purchase.
For customers this means:
- No need to search for an ATM. The basic banking needs can be easily met with Via Cash en route.
- Combining online shopping with offline payment.
- Benefit from the generous opening hours of supermarkets, drugstores, hardware
- stores (available only in Germany) and ticket machines (available only in Switzerland).
- No disclosure of sensitive account or credit card information.
Products per Cluster
We can now relate products to different user groups. This means you can make products visible to particular user groups through a new tab in the CMS called “Clusters of Users”. This will be especially useful for those working in B2B eCommerce as, for example, you can set the function so that only particular products can be made available to B2B users only.
The B2B module works within the same theme as B2C – your B2B module will appear based on the customer’s user typology. All customers in your B2C site will go into a default customer group. Once your B2B customers have been passed through your approval stages into the B2B group they will see new options tailored and only available to them.
In the CMS, you can then configure which products are seen by the particular groups. Our promotions work based on similar technology too – so you can run special promotions for B2B customers. For example, if there’s a group that gets a percentage off the full price, you can manage those promotions and drive them to groups of customers instead of individual customers.
Bootstrap 4
We have just launched the Bootstrap 4 version for our Skeleton theme. This is the newest version of Bootstrap, which is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
This is a big frontend improvement as Bootstrap is the main frontend technology we are using for building our websites. This will hugely benefit the developers/agencies that build the frontend of each Kooomo eCommerce site. As well as improvements with the look and feel, all these kinds of upgrades bring security fixes and performance improvements for our clients.
Along with this upgrade, we were also able to upgrade the latest version of jQuery, Font Awesome and from now on we will automatically have the improved products rendering system for our category pages, which will help to load the products considerably much faster than before. Although these improvements were independent, upgrading the base system (Bootstrap) brought us the chance to also upgrade the other systems.
Want to find out more about any of these specific platform updates, or about the Kooomo platform in general? We’d be delighted to help – Simply get in touch with the team here.
More to explore
Here’s an overview of the latest improvements that are now available in the Kooomo platform.
In the next few years, we are foreseeing an impressive increase for the global retail industry. While this can be beneficial for the global eCommerce industry, it also means that there will be more competition, as well.